Industrial Property Law
Law nº 9279 - May 14th - 1996
Clause 1st – This Act adjusts rights and obligations regarding industrial property.
Clause 2nd – Rights protection related to industrial property, considering its social concern, technology and economical development of the Country itself is made by means of:
I – Invention patents and utility model concession;
II – Industrial design register concession;
III – Trade mark register concession;
IV – Repression to false geographic indications; and
V – Repression to disloyal competition.
Clause 3rd – It is also enforced the regulation:
I – The patent request or registration from abroad and deposited in the Country by someone who has protection secured by treaty or convention effective in Brazil; and
II – To native or people resident in a country that assure Brazilian people or people who are settled in Brazil reciprocity on equal or equivalent rights.
Clause 4th – The treaty regulations effective in Brazil are enforced, in equal conditions, to people in general or legal entity native or resident in the Country.
Clause 5th – We consider movables, for legal effect, the rights to industrial property.
Clause 94th – It is assured the author the right to obtain registration of the industrial design conferred by ownership, according conditions settled by this Act.
Clause 95th to 121st – They are clauses related to industrial design, which are managed by intellectual and industrial property agents.